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Network Virtual Host Rental and Maintenance Agreement

Party A:

Party B:

Whereas, Party B is willing to provide Party A with internet information communication services, and Party A is willing to accept the services provided by Party B. After open negotiation by both parties, the hereunder agreements are reached:

Service Activity:
支持Asp php html的虛擬主機空間共 1000 M ,價格 2000 元/年,共計 1 年;
Supporting Asp, Php, Html and its virtual network host space, in total of 1000 Mb, priced at 2000 RMB/year, length total of 1 year;
每年網頁維護12次(文字圖片修改),價格 2300 元/年,共計 1 年。
total of 12 website maintenance annually (text and graphic modifications), priced at 2300 RMB/year, length total of 1 year.

第一條 雙方的權利和義務
Part One: Rights and Obligations

1, 甲方必須遵守《計算機信息網路國際聯網安全保護管理辦法》《中華人民共和國計算機信息網路國際聯網管理暫行規定》《中華人民共和國計算機信息系統安全保護條例》《中華人民共和國電信條例》《互聯網信息服務管理辦法》和國家其他有關法律、法規、條例,不得做任何違法經營活動。
1, Party A must act in accordance to: <Computer network information on World Wide Web security protection administration method>, <People』s Republic of China computer information network and World Wide Web temporary regulation>, <People』s Republic of China Telecommunication Regulation>, <Internet Information Service Administration Method>, and any other government corresponding law, regulation, whereas any illegal operation or actions is prohibited.
甲方對其經營行為和發布的信息違反上述規定而引起的任何政治責任 法律責任和給乙方造成的經濟損失承擔全部責任。
Party A shall be held accountable to any and all pecuniary loss and legal responsibilities of Party B, caused by the condition that, Party A operate and releases information in conflict to any afore mentioned laws and regulations.
2 甲方不得進行下列行為:①利用乙方提供的服務和技術支持散布大量不受歡迎的電子郵件、廣告等;
2, Party A may NOT conct the following actions: ①Using the technology and services provided by party B to: disperse any bulk quantity of spam emails and commercials alike;
②Sub-lease the internet virtual space defined by this agreement.
③Perform any change to, or attempt to perform any change to the system settings provided by party B, or any actions that may compromise the security of the system.
④Execute any program, process or actions that may hinder the performance of network hosting server(s) or the normal performance of the server(s) that belongs to Party B.
⑤其他超出甲方提交虛擬主機服務申請時定製的服務規格的行為,以及國家相關法規禁止的行為。 甲方對違反上述義務給乙方和乙方用戶造成的損失承擔全部責任。
⑤Undertake any other actions that exceed the service regulations defined at the moment of application (of network hosting service) by Party A, in addition to any other actions that is prohibited by any relevant PRC laws and regulations.
3、 乙方有義務維護甲方虛擬空間上的網頁、數據、口令、密碼的完整性和保密性。
3, Party B shall be responsible for the integrity and security of the website, data, information and password that is situated at the virtual network space provided to, and rented by, Party A.
4、 甲方應依本合同的約定支付價款,按時為虛擬空間續費。乙方向甲方提供伺服器空間的租賃服務;
4, Party A shall pay the listed fee consistent with this agreement; and provide any sequential fee, if applicable, on time. Party B provides the rental service of virtual network space to Party A.
5、 未經甲方許可,乙方不得擅自更改甲方空間內的程序及數據;
5, Without the permission of Part A, Party B shall not alter any program or data in the virtual network space that is rented by Party A.
6、 保證甲方空間的正常運行(除不可抗拒因素外),並為甲方提供技術支持;
6, Party b shall ensure the normal operation of the Party A』s rented virtual network space (force majeure excepted), and provides technical support to Party A.
7、 若乙方在價格上有變動,需提前一個月通知甲方(或通過網站發布更改通知);
7, If any change in price should occur, Party A shall be notified a month prior to the change. (Or in the form of website posted change notice)
8、 乙方每年為甲方提供12次修改 (包括文字及圖片修改, 不包括功能修改) ;
8, Party B provides Party A with 12 website modifications annually. (Includes text and graphic change, excluding function modifications)

第二條 合同金額
Part Two: Total Amount of the Agreement

1、付費方式:此費用共計人民幣 4300 元,一次性付清。
1, Method of payment: The total amount of fee is 4300 RMB, as onetime payment.

第三條 合同期限
Part Three: Period of the Agreement

租用虛擬主機及維護自 2010 年 5 月 29 日至 2011 年 5 月 28 日,有效期限為 1年。
This Network Virtual Host Rental and Maintenance Agreement shall be effective (After signing) from the 29th of May 2010, to the 28th of May 2011, the term of validity for this agreement is 1 year.
If both parties agree that this agreement shall be necessarily extended, then this agreement is automatically extended. If necessary, this agreement can be modified at the time of extension, or a new form of agreement can be signed.
第四條 違約責任
Part Five: Liability for breach of contract

在合同執行期間,如果甲方沒有按時付款,則在甲方第一次付款款項的有效期結束後, 本合同即告終止
Whereas ring the time this agreement is in effect, if Party A fails to pay the amount which both parties agreed upon to Party B, whereas after the first valid payment period, then this agreement shall be hereto terminated.
If Party A requires any other services provided by Party B, new contracts shall be signed additionally by both parties. If Party A violates any laws and/or regulations, then Party A will be held liable for all such responsibilities.
第五條 爭議解決
Part Five: Dispute Resolution

If there shall arise any dispute(s) ring the period whereas this agreement is in effect, both parties should solve the dispute(s) through means of open negotiation. If negotiation fails to resolve, then both sides shall agree to escalate the dispute(s) to relevant arbitration commissions.

第六條 不可抗力
Part Six: Force Majeure

If either party cannot perform the agreement, caused by conditions beyond its control including, but not limited to, earthquake, fire, natural disaster, insurrection, government restrictions and/or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the party whose performance is affected, the other party shall be formally notified, this agreement is then terminated hereto after such notification(s).

第七條 附則
Part Seven: Additional Terms

In the situation of any incoming matter(s) not covered by this agreement, both parties shall negotiate openly to resolve.
This agreement is in plicate, Party A and Party B each possesses one copy.
This agreement shall be in effect after signed and sealed by both parties.
Both copies of this agreement are equal in terms of legal validity.

甲方授權代表(簽字): 乙方授權代表(簽字):
Party A Representative (Signature): Party B Representative (Signature):

年 月 日 年 月 日

---------------- -----------------
yyyy/mm/dd yyyy/mm/dd


第三十八條 用人單位有下列情形之一的,勞動者可以解除勞動合同:
第四十七條 經濟補償按勞動者在本單位工作的年限,每滿一年支付一個月工資的標准向勞動者支付。六個月以上不滿一年的,按一年計算;不滿六個月的,向勞動者支付半個月工資的經濟補償。
第八十二條 用人單位自用工之日起超過一個月不滿一年未與勞動者訂立書面勞動合同的,應當向勞動者每月支付二倍的工資。
第八十七條 用人單位違反本法規定解除或者終止勞動合同的,應當依照本法第四十七條規定的經濟補償標準的二倍向勞動者支付賠償金。
第二十七條 勞動爭議申請仲裁的時效期間為一年。仲裁時效期間從當事人知道或者應當知道其權利被侵害之日起計算。
第六條 用人單位自用工之日起超過一個月不滿一年未與勞動者訂立書面勞動合同的,應當依照勞動合同法第八十二條的規定向勞動者每月支付兩倍的工資,並與勞動者補訂書面勞動合同;勞動者不與用人單位訂立書面勞動合同的,用人單位應當書面通知勞動者終止勞動關系,並依照勞動合同法第四十七條的規定支付經濟補償。














