Internet advertising's positioning is to choose a good major media sites, according to the different proct categories, choose a different advertising media, such as the mass of the proct, if funded, you can choose the portal site advertising, on the relatively strong local procts, such as human resources website, you can have influence in the local website advertising, relatively strong for the professional procts, such as water meters, electricity meters, of course, choose their own professional website in the instry as well, otherwise, there will be big investment sum, there is no benefits from that.
英文的:E-commerce is usually refers to in the world is widely in commercial and trading activities, on the Internet, open network environment, based on the browser/server application modes, both parties, not all business activities to truth, to realize the online shopping, consumer entered into between online trading and on-line electronic payment and various business activities, trading activities, financial activities and related comprehensive service activities, a new type of business operation mode.
網路營銷:網路營銷(On-line Marketing或E-Marketing)就是以國際互聯網路為基礎,利用數字化的信息和網路媒體的交互性來輔助營銷目標實現的一種新型的市場營銷方式。簡單的說,網路營銷就是以互聯網為主要手段進行的,為達到一定營銷目的的營銷活動。
The network Marketing (Marketing or E line On - with international Marketing) is - based On Internet, using digital information and network media interactive to assist Marketing objectives of a new Marketing mode. Say simply, network marketing is with the Internet as the main means to achieve certain of the marketing target marketing campaign.
[詞典] network marketing;
Web marketing and advertising and online sales attract new customers.
SEM :Search Engine Marketing的英文縮寫,其中文意思就是搜索引擎營銷
SEO:是英文Search Engine Optimization的縮寫,中文意思是搜索引擎優化。
CPO:Cost per Order 簡稱CPO,也稱為Cost-per-Transaction,即根據每個訂單/每次交易來收費的方式。
CPTM: (Cost per Targeted Thousand Impressions) 經過定位的用戶(如根據人口統計信息定位)的千次印象費用。CPTM與CPM的區別在於,CPM是所有用戶的印象數,而CPTM只是經過定位的用戶的印象數。
CPM:Cost per Thousand Impressions又稱CPM(千印象費用) 網上廣告產生每1000個廣告印象數的費用,即按廣告投放次數而非投放時間長度收費。目前絕大部分網路廣告採用此標准計費。按訪問人次收費已經成為網路廣告的慣例。目前國際上每個CPM收費從$20到$80不等。
CPA:Cost per Action計價方式是指按廣告投放實際效果,即按回應的有效問卷或定單來計費,而不限廣告投放量。CPA廣告是網路中最常見的一種廣告形式,當用戶點擊某個網站上的cpc廣告後,這個站的站長就會獲得相應的收入。
Ad click:廣告點擊。是用戶對廣告的反應形式之一,通過對廣告的點擊引起當前瀏覽內容重新定向到另一個網站或者同一個網站其他網頁。
Ad display/Ad delivered:廣告顯示/廣告傳遞。一個廣告在用戶電腦屏幕上完全顯示稱為一次廣告顯示 /廣告傳遞。
Ad download :廣告下載。伺服器完整地將一個廣告下載到用戶的瀏覽器稱為廣告下載。如果用戶的請求並沒有被完全執行,廣告下載不完整或者沒有被下載,就行不成廣告瀏覽。廣告下載與廣告顯示意義相近。
Ad impression:廣告印象。廣告印象包括兩個方面:伺服器端和用戶端。網路廣告可以來自伺服器為用戶瀏覽器提供的廣告顯示,也可以是來自用戶瀏覽器的請求。對廣告印象有不同的測量方式。粗略的說,廣告印象和頁面顯示、廣告下載比較接近。
Ad impression ratio:廣告印象率。點擊數與廣告印象數的比例,同點擊率。
Ad Views :(廣告瀏覽)網上廣告被用戶下載的的次數,一般以一段時間來衡量.(如:次/天)
Banner:(橫幅廣告) 一個表現廣告主內容的圖片,放置在廣告商的頁面上,往往做成動畫形式。一般不超過12K。有時也稱為標志廣告、標准標志廣告、旗幟廣告、橫幅廣告、全幅廣告、條幅廣告等多種名稱,是互聯網上常見的網路廣告形式之一。通常是一個顯示於網頁上的圖片,常用格式包括.gif、jpg、swf等。BANNER廣告有多種規格,其中最常用的是486×60像素的標准標志廣告,由於這種規格曾處於支配地位,在早期有關網路廣告的文章中,如沒有特別指名,通常都是指標准標志廣告。
BUTTON:按鈕式廣告。 通常比BANNER廣告小一些,常用的按鈕廣告尺寸有四種:125×125(方形按鈕),120×90,120×60,88×31。
網路營銷network marketing
Long-term since, our company has been committed to the development of the market and the marketing network construction.
據國家工信部網路營銷學院的數據分析,internet marketing:即互聯網營銷,是指在國際互聯網上開展的營銷活動。
network marketing:即網上營銷,是指在網路上開展的營銷活動,此處的網路不僅指國際互聯網,尚包含電話網路,增值網路等。
on-line marketing:即線上營銷或在線營銷,指藉助聯機網路開展的網上營銷。
cyber marketing:及虛擬營銷或計算機數字營銷,指藉助聯機網路,計算機通信和數字互動式媒體的營銷方式。
Analysis of the enterprise network marketing
21st century, mankind has entered the Internet-based network economy. Computer Network Technology's rapid development and wide application of contemporary society have had a full range of impact to the enterprise marketing management has brought enormous change. Network Marketing is to adapt to network technology development and information network of the new era of change in marketing, it has changed the traditional marketing concepts, marketing strategies, marketing tools and methods will become the 21st century the mainstream of corporate marketing. Compared with traditional marketing, network marketing is showing a more extensive, real-time, the economy, and interactive features.
Currently, China's number of online computers, Internet users to the total number of relatively large but penetration is not high, information technology application in China's enterprises are also less optimistic about the status quo. By comparing the Chinese enterprises and foreign enterprises, the size of network marketing, the enterprise has a range of issues such as the number of Web sites and found that the overall level of China's Internet marketing is still relatively low, restricting the marketing of our enterprise network and the main obstacle to the development of questions are as follows:
First, constraints of our enterprise network marketing obstacle to the development of
Network Marketing is the enterprise's own management activities. The development of enterprise network marketing, we must actively adapt to market changes in the environment and consumers, our corporate network of marketing development obstacles mainly from enterprises, including enterprises in the understanding, management and personnel obstacles.
1. Understanding of the obstacles
This is network marketing enterprises to develop the biggest obstacle. At present, enterprises network marketing awareness, show the two diametrically opposed attitude: a kind of network marketing are over-deification, a network marketing are lack of understanding. It can be said that both the awareness of network marketing is one-sided, on the company's network marketing practice has enormous harm.
2. Regulatory barriers
China's enterprises to develop Internet marketing, in the internal management of the three levels: the grass-roots level management, middle management and senior management are still certain constraints. Currently, some domestic enterprises, the management system is not perfect, does not have a standardized system management system. Most enterprises are reactive type, with the emergence of new issues, from managers to develop new measures, but rarely consider whether the new system to adapt to the actual situation of the enterprise and so on. Lead to rigid inflexible management system, the system is not strong between the systemic.
3. Talent barriers
Human resources has always been the most important intangible assets. Enterprises to develop network marketing, all aspects of personnel required, especially with new concepts and new information on the knowledge structure of compound talents, their enterprises are the backbone of network marketing. At present, the domestic enterprises in the technical talent, management talent, as well as the complex-type personnel, and international enterprises, are extremely scarce.
Second, our corporate network of marketing specific issues exist
1. Internet infrastructure is weak
China's telecommunications instry for more than ten years despite the great development, especially in the construction of communication networks for China's national economy has laid a network of information-based foundation, but with the flow of network requirements for future development, but also far from enough. Different regions, in the development of network marketing there are larger differences.
2. The lack of enterprise network marketing professionals
Human resources has always been the most important intangible assets. Enterprises to develop network marketing, all aspects of personnel required, especially with new concepts and new information on the knowledge structure of compound talents, their enterprises are the backbone of Internet marketing, which is precisely the lack of China's enterprises are familiar with technology knows marketing business processes comprehensive talent. One to the majority of the enterprises will only use, but not in cultured human concept, and secondly the lack of effective internal incentive mechanism, leading to brain drain in serious condition.
3. Safe, convenient payment mechanism for the lack of network
Directly on the network can not be separated from the bank card payment on the way. At present, China's network of technology is not yet ripe to pay, although the bank card online payment in China banks, investment banks, China Construction Bank to achieve, but in China the level of electronic banking in general is not high, safety and poor quality banking network relative closed, there should not assume the network to pay the cost of electronic transactions mission, unable to realize in the online transaction process. Therefore, at present, in network security to pay the existing technical and conceptual issues are the core of the development of network marketing and key obstacles.
Network marketing is marketing the new century, the only way, it brought a large number of enterprises to the historical opportunity, but also brought severe challenges. In view of the existence of our network marketing many constraints, should take the following countermeasures:
(1) establish the correct concept of network marketing. Several original and resolutely reject incorrect understanding, combined with their own instry and proct characteristics, combined with corporate culture, combined with enterprise marketing management mode, set in line with the business needs of network marketing concept.
(2) to enhance the network infrastructure. The implementation of online marketing activities targeted at Internet users, so the number of Internet users is also a network marketing a necessary condition for the development of China's Internet infrastructure is still quite backward, and need to be strengthened and improved in many places. The number of Internet users by the number of network speed and access to the Internet high and low tariff constraints, and network speed and Internet access charges by the network infrastructure complete degrees. Therefore required the government to play the role of macro-control, increase the network infrastructure and encourage development of domestic enterprises with independent intellectual property rights of computer network hardware and software procts, to improve the current network environment.
(3) strengthening the legislative and monitoring network marketing. Regardless of network security, online billing or delivery of goods, all laws and regulations relating to the issue, only to establish, improve and perfect the relevant laws and regulations, and severely punish offenders in order to guarantee the normal network marketing. Therefore, the country must be in the legislative and enforcement efforts, the market access system in the network, network transactions contract certification, implementation and compensation, anti-fraud, intellectual property protection, tax collection and management, advertisement control, transaction monitoring, as well as the harmful information network filter rules, etc., for network marketing the healthy and orderly and rapid development of norms to provide a fair legal environment.
(4) train network marketing professionals. In the era of knowledge economy, as a result of information technology and network triggered a series of commercial revolution now in full swing, network marketing requires new ideas and new information on the knowledge structure of the compound talents, they are the backbone of the implementation of network marketing. Network Marketing demanding of talent, a qualified personnel not only need to understand computers, the Internet, but also proficient in finance, trade, material management, and to these areas very well together. Must make full use of a variety of ways and means to foster the introction and the rational use of a good number of high-quality, reasonably level, professional counterparts in the network, computer and business management professionals for the development of enterprise network marketing to provide qualified personnel to protect .
Network marketing business marketing activities are an important part of traditional marketing are continuous development and improve the proct, network marketing is in combination with traditional marketing and mutual promotion of its increasingly sophisticated. China's government and enterprises should perform their own functions, and seriously look for a solution, from the different aspects of network marketing to promote the development of our country. In marketing strategy formulation process, the full use of the network's interactive, real-time features such as the development suited to China's national conditions and the actual situation of enterprise network marketing new ways and new strategies to enable enterprises in the increasingly fierce competition in the market remain undefeated on the manner.
A, web strategy
In the network market space enterprise website which represents the enterprise's own image. So you must:
1. Take good website propaganda and strengthen url
2. Carefully planned site structure
3. Maintaining a website great effort
2. Proct strategy
1. 企業可以通過分析網上的消費者總體特徵來確定最適合在網上銷售的產品。
1. The enterprise can through the analysis of online consumer's overall characteristics to determine the most suitable for online sales of procts.
2. 產品的市場涵蓋面要廣。
2. The proct was much broader coverage of the market.
3. 與客戶直接交流,為其提供個性化的服務。
3. Communicate directly with customers, providing personalized service.
3. The price strategy
1. Enterprises can develop a automatic adjustment system, at the same time can also carry out market research, and access to relevant information to adjust the price.
2. 開發智慧型議價系統與消費者直接在網上協商價格。
2. The development of the intelligent negotiation system and consumers directly to negotiate prices on the Internet.
3. Enterprises can open in this enterprise from concept to consumer prices in the catalog are proceres, prompt consumers to make purchase decisions.
4. The promotion strategy
1. 網路廣告是目前較為普遍的促銷方式。
1. Online advertising is the common way of promotion.
2. 利用網路聊天的功能開展消費者聯誼活動或在線產品展銷活動和推廣活動。
2. The using function of network chat, the consumer fellowship activities or online proct exhibitions and promotional activities.
3. 與非競爭性的廠商進行線上促銷聯盟。
3. The online promotion alliance with non competitive vendors.
4. 將網路文化與產品廣告相融合,藉助網路文化的特點來吸引消費者。
4. Network culture and the integration of proct advertising, with the characteristics of network culture to attract consumers.
5. The channel strategy
1. 結合相關產業的公司,共同在網路上設點銷售系列產品。
1. Combining with the related instry company, second-hand sale series of procts on the Internet.
2. 在企業網站上設立虛擬店鋪。
2. In the enterprise to set up a virtual store on the website.
3. 可直接利用電子郵件進行線上購物,也可通過劃撥電匯付款,由企業通過郵局郵寄或送貨上門進行貨物交割。
3. Can be directly use E-mail for online shopping, also can through the transfer by t/t payment, by company to delivery goods by post mail or door-to-door delivery.
6. The network marketing customer service
Through the implementation of an interactive marketing strategy, to provide satisfactory customer service is the key to the success of many enterprises network marketing. The main tool of customer service online email, electronic BBS, FAQ, etc