材料的聚l-lactic酸)與氣相法白炭黑(PLA)納米二氧化硅)、蒙脫石(噸)和氧化的多壁碳納米管版(o-MWCNTs)、含2.5 wt %納米粒子權准備解決蒸發的方法。這SEMmicrographs細分散的計劃nanoparticlesinto矩陣。 這因此作為有效的加固劑儲存模量增加,從直接存儲器存取分析驗證了。納米粒子被發現的情況下,有效nucleaging代理人和二氧化硅納米粒子包覆。從熔體結晶冷卻加速了納米粒子的存在而有效的活化能的計算方法Friedmann使用isoconversional下降。成核活動進行了分析計算。Cold-crystallization也存在影響納米粒。 然而,這種現象似乎開始在較低的溫度下工作,結果造成缺陷的形成晶體結構macromolecularchain流動減少剩餘的非晶聚合物,最後限制最終的結晶度。
亞當,乙四,體育肯克爾,和K安德森。 「經濟學清潔小麥」 。 j.農業。和resour 。政府經濟顧問。 19 ( 1994 ) :280 - 98 。
李鵬飛,四瓦特,和D lueck 。 「尋找棘輪效應在農業合同」 。 j.農業。和resour 。政府經濟顧問。 24 ( 1999 ) :536 - 52 。
brorsen ,乙瓦特,瓦特r.補助金,和M. e. rister 。 「經濟價值稻米品質的因素」 。酒吧。號公關4202 ,德克薩斯州農業。進出口。站,得克薩斯A & M大學, 1984年6月。
科爾曼女士,美國社會的基礎理論。劍橋馬:貝克納普新聞hamard大學出版社, 1990 。
格羅斯曼,美國j. ,和0 。四哈特。 「一分析的委託代理問題」 。 econometrica 51 ( 1983 ) : 746 。
軒尼詩,四答,和湯匙,瓦爾。 「折扣附表和種植者獎勵在糧食營銷」 。 amer 。 j.農業。政府經濟顧問。 79 ( 1997 ) :888 - 901 。
holmstrom , B 「的道德風險和obsemability 」 。鍾j.政府經濟顧問。 10 ( 1979年) :74 - 91 。
肯克爾,體育,和K安德森。 「誰勝,誰輸了?報告,大須研究對糧食分級的准確性」 。目前俄克拉何馬州的農場經濟學69 ( 1996 ) :27 - 36 。
lajili , k. , PJ -巴里,聖松卡,和JT馬霍尼。 「農民的偏好作物合約」 。 j.農業。和resour 。政府經濟顧問。 22 ( 1997 ) :264 - 80 。
MAS的colell ,甲,米四whinston ,及J r.格林。微觀經濟理論。紐約:牛津大學出版社,公司, 1995年。
mirrless女士, 「的影響,道德風險的最優保險」 。出席會議的榮譽卡爾博創,紐菲爾德學院,挪威的卑爾根, 1979年。
pebe迪亞茲,外匯基金的「精煉美國花生分級制度」 。 unpub 。博士diss ,俄克拉何馬州立大學, 1999年12月。
pebe迪亞茲,外匯基金,體重brorsen , Microsoft和安德森,以及體育肯克爾。 「的影響,超重樣本及四捨五入級的百分比在花生上的檔次和價格」 。花生科學28 ( 2001 ) :9 - 12 。
鮑威爾家,小,羥色胺謝潑德和Fe dowell 。 「一個自動數據收集系統,使用分級的農民股票花生」 。提交的論文在1994年國際冬季會議的贊助,由美國社會的農業工程師( asae ) ,亞特蘭大鎵, 12月13日至16日1994年。
普雷斯科特,第ES 「一引就道德危險模式」 。聯邦儲備銀行里士滿經濟季刊85 ( 1999 ) :47 - 77 。
shavell ,美國「風險分擔和激勵機制,在本金和代理人的關系」 。鍾j.政府經濟顧問。 10 ( 1979年) :55 - 73 。
strausz , r.對激勵機制和信息不對稱的組織。亞琛,柏林:振動篩出版社, 1998 。
衛奕信,瓦特瓦特,和B的影響達爾。 「質量的不確定性,在國際糧食市場:分析和競爭力的問題」 。牧師農業。政府經濟顧問。 21 ( 1999 ) :209 - 24 。
吳, j.-j. ,和B答:貝比考克。 「優化設計一項自願的綠色付款計劃在信息不對稱下的」 。 j.農業。和resour 。政府經濟顧問。 20 ( 1995 ) :31 - 27 。
熱重量分析(METTLERTOLED0851e, 美國) 在加熱率為10°C每分鍾的高純氮環境中從50°C加熱到650°C。相對應的PMMA塗層由其質量相對於溫度變化的曲線確定。(圖3)。然後PMMA塗層的百分率根據以下等式計算。
PMMA塗層含量(%)=PMMA塗覆量(克)/碳酸鈣使用量(克)x 100
1,(METTLERTOLED0851e, USA)應該是觀測儀器的型號,USA是產地。沒翻譯
3,還有,有幫助請採納啊 O(∩_∩)O
5、求幫下一篇關於高爐渣熱分析或者用XRD SEM 檢測結構相關的外文文獻5-8頁!很急!我做畢業翻譯。
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I think the end result really will only become obvious when we find out for sure what features will ...
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A Linking Strategy Is About More Than Just Quality Content
Chris Boggs | Jan 23, 2009 | 0 Comments
Tweet 1diggdiggSEO experts have long cried that "content is king." When Mark Jackson emphasized this in 2007, he wrote that, "Quality content affects both the quality and amount of inbound links." Does this mean that all you need to do to get good links is to build quality content?
Some SEO "extremists" would have you think so, but improving the quality and quantity of your inbound links doesn't rest on the shoulders of good content alone. Let's look at some strategies for inbound linking plans, and some exercises to help increase the value and relevance of the links being targeted for acquisition.
What Does Natural Linking Mean These Days?
Many SEOs evangelize the need to "act natural" when building links to a domain. "Links should have a variety of anchor text," and "links should be pointed to deeper pages than just the home page" are tenets that will remain valuable when considering link development. However, these have become increasingly leveraged, and in some cases people have overdone it.
Using anchor text to link to specific deep pages on a site, as well as the home page, can certainly help from a ranking perspective. Data still shows that we see incremental lift in associated rankings and traffic when we accomplish these tasks.
Remember, however, that it's natural for a large percentage of links to point to a domain (text, images, or logos) where the actual brand or domain name is used as anchor text or alt attribute/image title. Whenever we take on a client with a relatively well-known brand, this pattern is very evident. Launching into an aggressive campaign to increase the variety of anchor text pointed to the domain could backfire, if it isn't carefully planned.
There could almost be a new metric for link building defined as "anchor text density." The total number of links pointed to the site should probably be comprised of "X percent" brand or proct-name words and "X percent" of various iterations of relevant anchor text.
Although the concept of "keyword density" is somewhat dated, there's merit in aiming for a certain "anchor text density." You should probably strongly consider building a certain percentage of branded anchor text links if you really want to stay looking "natural."
Natural Tactics are Site-Specific
Although this column isn't about tactics, part of any strategy is defining the tactics you'll employ to build links. In the spirit of remaining "natural," take a close look at your inbound linking patterns to help determine which tactics make the most sense for your site. If you typically have numerous press releases and news articles being published and syndicated, which generate fresh but perishable links to your site, this is an area you would want to address.
If you tend to have a number of links coming to your site around various seasons or holidays, ramp up your efforts ring these times in order to match the pace. Although it's wise to keep seasonal content live all year, from a holistic SEO perspective, not many people are likely to link to a Christmas page ring June.
I said not many. There are people, including my wife, who start their Christmas shopping in June and may choose to link. These links should continue trickling in, but the majority of links to a holiday-themed page will likely come ring a fairly predictable period.
If you have a natural linking pattern from social networking sites, forums, and blogs, then strongly consider hiring an evangelist to become your "face" online. Using social media as a communication medium allows for unobtrusive links to be built to a site, and to specific pages that address relevant conversations. It's still very important to respect communities, but accepted members who provide occasional links to the solution to a problem are typically not shunned, and are considered important members of the group.
Brainstorming Strategies
Link development brainstorming shouldn't be limited to link specialists and project strategists. Brainstorming everything from directory targeting to more advanced link ting strategizing is far more effective when participants are familiar with the procts or services being supported.
I've previously suggested "degrees of separation exercises" for link building. This continues to be a valuable tactic. Much like SEO strategy often isn't fully formulated until after the keyword research is completed, link strategies shouldn't be finalized until many potential sources of relevant content are listed.
Taking the time to figure out what makes sense from a semantic connectivity perspective can yield tactical execution plans for link development with far more breadth than simply targeting everyone directly associated with the proct or service. For example, an obesity-related site should consider links from far more than just weight-loss or exercise sites.
Linking will continue to be a very strong queen at King Content's side. Keeping natural while enhancing the growth of your inbound links will be like using fertilizer -- just make sure you spend the time picking the right types of fertilizer and the proper watering schele, and you should be well on the way to increased rankings and traffic.
Frank Watson Fires Back
I agree that there's more to a sound linking strategy than creating good content. The "if you build it, they will come" mentality hardly ever works. But search marketers shouldn't underestimate the importance of creating something worth linking to.
I've always been an advocate of the power of good writing as a link building tool. Many times when I'm trying to answer people on the SEW forums about 301 redirects and other stock replies, I use the same reference.
We forget that the Web was originally set up as a research tool and that the whole Google algorithm was based on that premise. A link is like a citation, so if you provide good information -- or funny stories -- they have a tendency to get links from other Web sites.
Sure, forum signatures and social media links are valuable now, but there's no substitute for a well-written article with authority. And this is becoming especially true as things move to "trust rank."
Join us for Search Engine Strategies London February 17-20 at the Business Design Centre in Islington. Don't miss the definitive event for U.K. and European marketers, corporate decision makers, webmasters and search marketing specialists!
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Silicalite-1 Shell Synthesized onto Cylinder-Shaped ZSM-5
Extrudate for Disproportionation of Toluene into Para-Xylene
Demin Chen * Jun Wang * Xiaoqian Ren *
Hui Teng * Haiwei Gu
Received: 11 January 2010/Accepted: 8 February 2010/Published online: 2 March 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010
Abstract The cylinder-shaped ZSM-5 extrudate with a catalyzed by mordenite, offering high conversion 60% and
diameter 2 mm and a length 4–5 mm was coated with a thermodynamic distribution of xylene isomers: OX (ortho-
silicalite-1 shell at its external surface by a hydrothermal xylene) 24%, MX (meta-xylene) 53%, and PX 23% [2].
synthesis with TEOS (tetraethylorthosilicate) as a silica Disproportionation of toluene over ZSM-5 catalysts is
source andTPAOH(tetrapropylammoniumhydroxide)asa known as an important classical shape-selective reaction to
structure-directing agent. Catalytic performance of the directly proce highly concentrated PX because the pore
obtained core/shell zeolite composite was measured in size of ZSM-5 is much more favorable to the diffusion of
disproportionation of toluene using a pressured fixed-bed PX compared with OX and MX; however, modification of
reactor. Ratios of H2O/SiO2 and TPAOH/SiO2, crystalli- the external surface of ZSM-5 is necessary to achieve this
zation time and temperature, and synthesis cycles were purpose o to the quick isomerization of PX at acid sites
adjusted to get optimal synthesis conditions, at which the therein [2–4].
selectivity to para-xylene is enhanced from the thermody- Many modifications for ZSM-5 catalysts which could
namic equilibrium value 24% to nearly 80%. SEM and enhance the para-selectivity have been carried out, such as
XRD results further confirm the formation of the ZSM-5/ doping with P and MgO [5], deposition of an inert silica
silicalite-1 core/shell structure, which is responsible for the layer by CVD (chemical vapor deposition) [6–8] or CLD
evident shape-selective proction of para-xylene. (chemical liquid deposition) [6, 9, 10], and so on [11, 12].
Among them, CLD with (poly)siloxanes as deposition
Keywords Core/shell zeolite composite ZSM-5 agents turns out to be the most instrially important
Silicalite-1 Disproportionation of toluene method because of the rather high para-selectivity resulted
Shape-selective catalysis from the effective passivation of acid sites on the external
surface of ZSM-5 by the deposited inert silica layerand the
fine regulation of the pore mouth of ZSM-5, as well as its
1 Introction easy operation and good reprocibility [6, 10, 11, 13].
In recent years, core/shell zeolite composites have
PX (para-xylene) is an important raw material for manu- attracted great interest in catalysis context, which are pre-
facturing terephthalic acid that is used to fabricate fibers, pared through the overgrowth of continuous zeolite shell
packaging materials and containers [1]. Nowadays, toluene around the zeolite crystal. A number of core/shell zeolite
disproportionation and transalkylation with trimethylbenz- composites have been reported, including ZSM-5/silicalite-
enes is the main instrial process to proce PX, which is 1[14–16], LTA/FAU [17], EMT/FAU [18], CHA/SOD
[19], BEA/MFI [20], MFI/AFI [2, 21], etc. Zheng et al.
[22] obtained the Y/Beta composite with a core/shell
D. Chen J. Wang (&) X. Ren H. Teng H. Gu
structure through adding NaY zeolite into the precursor
State Key Laboratory of Materials-Oriented Chemical
solution for synthesizing Beta zeolite; the composite
Engineering, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
showed an increased conversion in catalytic cracking of n-
Nanjing University of Technology, Nanjing 210009, China
e-mail: [email protected] octane. Kong et al. [23] fabricated MOR/ZSM-5
記錄在日本理學D / MAX-2500與Cu靶輻射(λ=1.54056
使用來自Thermo Scientific的一個DXR用激光進行
通過使用Flash EA1112 NHC元素分析法測定。
進行熱重(TG)分析,S / C復合材料
上TG / DTA6300在N2
在分析腔室壓力為約3×10 -10毫巴。所有
分別配備了洛倫茲 - 高斯函數和智能背景
第二段,在EDS分析的未修補程序。也有證據,鐵,鋅微晶的形成(可能的Zeta [鐵鋅13 ]晶),表明浴/工藝條件,領導不力,以抑制和制止鐵鋅金屬間化合物。該顯微鏡在圖0.8展示半球形的外觀薄鋅的綵帶堅持以裸襯底,隨著包埋此事的界面,以及鋅脫層從鋼襯底。半球的外觀鋅的綵帶是指示高表面張力在熔融鍍鋅鋼界面和缺乏良好的潤濕液鋅與鋼基。
第三段考試鍍鋅鋼板標本與塗層脫落/果皮小康還透露,支離破碎的粒子和相當數量的滾動碎片對鋼鐵表面(圖9 )。該鏡也顯示,包埋最糟粕粒子在塗層。該SEM照片鍍鋅板標本參展的事/枯燥無味塗層的外觀顯示, profusion和優勢的Fe -鋁-鋅金屬間化合物,可能包埋particlea的磁懸浮底部的糟粕。這些金屬間化合物被分發塗層(圖)和所賦予的表現乏善可陳的外觀。在高鋁鋅洗澡,例如一所遇到的調查進行期間,自下而上的糟粕粒子( , fezn七日)表示,累積在一個長期鍍鋅運動成為磁懸浮和接受。